PAU MADRID 2014 JUNIO INGLÉS OPCIÓN B The Key to Choosing the Right Career

Curso 2013-2014
The Key to Choosing the Right Career
Explain the factors that might influence your career choice.
Examen realizado el martes 10 de junio de 2014
1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
a) It is not always easy to decide what career to follow.
  TRUE: Choosing a career path is usually a confusing and stressing experience.
(lines 2-3)
b) In order to make a good career choice you can begin by considering what you are good at.
  TRUE: ... you can begin by choosing a career that fits well with your skills...
(line 11)
  (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. Do not copy from the text.
a) Mention two reasons why the author of the text believes it is hard to make a career choice.
  It's hard because without experience you don't know what a job involves and also because careers are unpredictable.
  NOTA: Esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles.
La parte relevante del texto es:
... how are you supposed to know if you will be happy as an investment banker or an artist or a professor, if you haven't actually done any of these things yet? Who has ever, in the history of mankind, taken a job and had it turn out exactly as they imagined it would?
(lines 6-9)

Añade tu propuesta y la comentaré.
b) Explain two manners of achieving your objectives and choosing the right career.
  You can go for something that you are good at but also something that you will actually want to do.
  NOTA: Esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles.
La parte relevante del texto es:
... you can begin by choosing a career that fits well with your skills and values... you also want to choose an occupation that provides good motivation for you as well.
(lines 11 & 13-14)

Añade tu propuesta y la comentaré.
  (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
a) puzzling (paragraph 1) confusing
b) matches (paragraph 3) fits
c) achieve (paragraph 4) reach
d) risky activity (paragraph 4) venture
  (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given.
a) Usually people ________ (motivate) by both promotion and prevention.
  Usually people are motivated by both promotion and prevention.
b) Cal Newport's is the ________ (good) career advice book I ________ (ever read).
  Cal Newport's is the best career advice book I have ever read.
c) Nobody is to blame ________ making a wrong career choice. It is difficult to be sure ________ what you want to do when you are very young.
  Nobody is to blame for making a wrong career choice. It is difficult to be sure of what you want to do when you are very young.
  Nobody is to blame for making a wrong career choice. It is difficult to be sure about what you want to do when you are very young.
d) In Spain there are many places ________ you can find career advice.
  In Spain there are many places where you can find career advice.
  Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
e) "Choose a job you love", John told Jennifer.
  John told Jennifer to choose a job she loved.
  (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
  Explain the factors that might influence your career choice.
  (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)

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