PAU MADRID 2011 SEPTIEMBRE INGLÉS OPCIÓN B What Should We Do about Climate Change?


Examen de inglés de selectividad (Bachillerato LOE),
universidades públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid,
curso 2010-2011.

Examen realizado el lunes 12 de septiembre de 2011.
What Should We Do about Climate Change?
Is climate change a real problem? Why? Give your opinion on the topic.


1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

a) In Australia, more energy is used in the winter.
  FALSE: In Australia, peak energy demand is on hot summer days...

b) Most scientists think climate change is taking place.
  TRUE: ... ninety-seven percent of scientists agree that climate chang is happening.

2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. Do not copy from the text.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

a) How can global warming be solved? Give at least two possible solutions.
  We could limit our energy consumption.
  We could choose environmentally-friendly forms of energy.
  NOTA: estas respuestas son simplemente unas propuestas entre otras posibles.
Añade las tuyas y las comentaré.

b) Why are some industries against informing the public about climate change?
  Perhaps because they risk great financial loss if people find out about climate change and modify their use of energy.
  NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles.
Añade la tuya y la comentaré.

3.- Find the words or phrases in the text that mean:

a) supplying (paragraph 1) providing
b) maximum (paragraph 1) peak
c) since (paragraph 3) because
d) repair (paragraph 3) fix
  (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)

4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

a) The environment is a topic ________ many people are interested ________.
  The environment is a topic which many people are interested in.
  The environment is a topic that many people are interested in.
  NOTA: curiosamente, también es posible omitir el pronombre relativo al no hacer éste de sujeto de la oración relativa.
De hecho, es la solución que yo recomendaría en circunstancias normales, por su economía y elegancia.
En un ejercicio de examen, conviene contestar de forma muy clara y que no dé lugar posible a malentendidos, por lo que caso de optar por esta solución recomendaría añadir una nota explicando la omisión.
  The environment is a topic _____ many people are interested in.
(El pronombre relativo puede omitirse.)

b) The electricity ________ (cut) off while we were listening ________ the radio.
  The electricity was cut off while we were listening to the radio.

c) Last year I ________ (take) the bus to work instead of ________ (drive) my car.
  Last year I took the bus to work instead of driving my car.

d) Rewrite the following question, beginning with the words given.
  "Why should people use less energy?" they asked.
They asked...
  They asked why people should use less energy.

5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
  Is climate change a real problem? Why? Give your opinion on the topic.
  (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)

3 comentarios:

  1. un sinónimo de since podría ser for over? gracias

  2. no, yo también puse over pero no es correcto. :(

  3. muchas gracias me es de gran ayuda! :)
